As template responsive blogger who previously ExtraNews , JPstation also an existing template, I created a long time. Because it is still a deficit in the previous version so I did a little change in the code. As well as adding a little bit of features including the toggle view and toggle footers (there is an additional 3 columns in the footer), as well as effects on the top menu.
In addition to the addition of the code, I also remove the code that I considered unnecessary. Such an effect on my lightboxnya remove and replace it by just giving a bit of CSS to default lightbox blogspot.Besides I also make changes in the recent post code (the latest articles), recent comments (latest comments), related post (related article), and JSON searchnya. Everything I replace with method calls jQuery Ajax so much faster. After changing the code, I also made with different colors (there are 6 colors).Well for those who are interested please download.
Features of JPStation Blogger Template
- Responsive Blogger Template.
- JSON Search Result with Ajax so loading faster.
- Costum CSS lightbox blogger.
- Sidebar dikanan and 3 columns for the footer (on the toggle button to display the footer).
- Widgets tab on the sidebar
- 2 types of view list and grip with a reminder of the session (cookies) ~ (default list)
- Related Post / Articles related to Ajax so that loading a bit faster (the script of my moretechtips modifications as the template).
- Emoticons in the comments section.
- 2 types of Menu is Normal Menu and Mobile menu (on mobile menu using SelectNav)
- Ajax Recent post / article (with animation) and News Ticker in the top menu
- Ajax Recent Comments / Comments feature to remove comments Admin blog (with animation)
- SEO optimization.
- Support modern browser IE9, Mozilla, Chrome
- There are six color options, namely Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Grey, Cyan (Turquoise).